ma uitam la televizor la un film foarte tare pe care l-am mai vazut de multe ori. si cu toate astea gandul meu nu este acolo ci la “intamplarea” asta pe care am descoperit-o cu mai putin de 24 de ore in urma. citesc niste comentarii pe DA.. a beautiful face… a happy face.. .. oh really?? a happy one?? how the hell didn’t i noticed that.. maybe i missed it somewhere between the light tears and the need for a hug. who the fuck do you think you are to do this?? no one deserves such a thing.. yeah, I know I’m being subjective, but it’s still true. si de ce vorbesc in engleza? off.. just let it fly away, maybe “it” belongs somewhere else. maybe someone else might need “it”. oh yeah, on the other hand to answer the question about how did it make me feel. well.. it made me feel worm, and good, and simple and private.