Nu a fost niciodata doar despre tine.
Ar trebui sa comunicam mai mult.
Ar trebui sa dam mai mult pentru ceilalti.
Ar fi bine sa fim mai atenti si mai receptivi la problemele lor.
Pana la urma, nu te-ai putea vedea decat prin prisma grupurilor din care faci parte.. asa ca straduieste-te sa fie despre ceilalti si nu despre tine
Talk less, say more
Comportamentul uman 7: Despre mine
We feel fine
Mai umani, mai surprinzatori
2 responses to “It’s all about the others..”
no. it’s all about being yourself among the others ;)
Even when it’s all about the others, it’s actually about you being willing to make it all about the others.
There is no such thing as selflessness. Being attentive to others makes them happy and you are happy for making them happy.
So it’s all a question of what makes you happy – but I think you’ve already covered that subject ;)