In ultimul timp am fost pus oarecum in fata unei probleme. Cum sa incerci sa unesti oameni de diferite caractere care au pretentii diferite, personalitati diferite si asteptari diferite intr-o echipa.. Inca nu am descoperit raspunsul, dar in schimb am descoperit ceva interesant, care ma tot “bantuia” de ceva timp, pe blogul Paul Buchheit , creatorul Gmail si al altor aplicatii interesante de pe Web.
El spune (in acest post) urmatoarele:
But if your team is so great, why aren’t they building the right product? Simply put, they have the wrong attitude. Firstly, they overestimate the importance of their own skills. Engineers think that success is all about fancy technology and complex engineering (hello Google). Designers think that success is all about beautiful design. MBAs think that success is all about knowing the right people, or spreadsheets, or something. If you have especially smart or successful people, then this problem could be even worse, because then the team is also likely to be arrogant and overconfident, which makes them less likely to question these assumptions or the value of their own skills.
4 responses to “Why aren’t they building the right product?”
fain spus
eu nu ma supraestimez, sunt o modesta. voi ma subestimati >:P!!
mişto punct de vedere :)
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